Chamber Chat: CyberSecure

On the threshold of Cybersecurity Month, and against the backdrop of recent news highlighting cyberattacks targeting two Las Vegas casinos, Paula Shiver, Vice President of Engagement at Perimeter Chamber, recently had the pleasure of engaging in a Chamber Chat with David Richards, the founder of CyberSecure, to explore his business and the constantly evolving landscape of cybersecurity. What she discovered during their conversation left her deeply intrigued.  Read on for some highlights of their conversation.


Perimeter Chamber: "What sets CyberSecure apart from other cybersecurity companies?"


David Richards, Founder of CyberSecure: "CyberSecure distinguishes itself from other cybersecurity firms through our extensive experience and hands-on approach. We've successfully tackled numerous cases involving threat actors infiltrating and compromising networks, which has equipped us with a profound understanding of their tactics.


Our expertise enables us to not only detect and rapidly respond to threats to your organization, but we also work to disrupt the ability for threat actors to effectively operate both inside and outside your organization. We actively work with our partners to surveil and disrupt threat actor infrastructure, creating additional cost for threat actor operations.  Our partnerships, expertise, and capability in this space allow us to stand out as a trusted advisor in cybersecurity for your organization.


Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of how these threat actors operate, and think. This means we can anticipate their next moves in the attack life cycle, a skill not commonly found in the industry. This predictive capability is invaluable in helping our clients stay one step ahead.


We are always open and ready to respond at the drop of a hat -- very responsive and nimble enough to address threats at any time. Threat actors often exploit the fact that organizations may not be actively watching their systems during non-business hours, making our readiness to respond crucial.


Additionally, we understand and value the importance of operational security (OPSEC). We recognize that revealing too much about your cybersecurity strategies and affiliations can make you a target for threat actors. This is why, in the past, I haven't put where I currently work on social media sites such as LinkedIn, and generally include only past roles. Operational security is all about how well you mitigate exposure, and we take this aspect seriously.


We have a proven track record of mitigating major threats, including APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats), ransomware and insider threats, where employees compromise data or threaten to expose their customers. This experience positions us more effectively in terms of both efficiency and insights.


In essence, CyberSecure's depth of knowledge and practical experience in the field make us the ideal partner for companies seeking robust cybersecurity solutions. We not only respond to threats; we proactively prepare our clients to mitigate risks effectively, making us the top choice for those serious about safeguarding their digital assets.``



Perimeter Chamber: "In the realm of Managed IT and Managed Security services, what are the key offerings that CyberSecure provides, and how do they help clients proactively manage and secure their IT infrastructure?"


David Richards, Founder of CyberSecure: "At CyberSecure, we offer a comprehensive suite of Managed IT and Managed Security services designed to empower our clients in proactively managing and securing their IT infrastructure. Our key offerings encompass a range of crucial aspects:


Threat Detection and Response: We employ state-of-the-art threat detection tools and techniques to identify potential security breaches in real-time. Our rapid response teams are ready to neutralize threats before they can cause significant damage.


24/7 Monitoring: CyberSecure provides around-the-clock monitoring of IT systems and networks. This constant vigilance ensures that any suspicious activity is immediately addressed, reducing the risk of data breaches and downtime.


Incident Mitigation: In the event of a security incident, our experts swiftly initiate containment and remediation strategies to minimize damage and protect sensitive data. We work tirelessly to restore normalcy while ensuring the incident doesn't recur.


Proactive Vulnerability Management: Our proactive approach involves regular vulnerability assessments and patch management to preemptively address potential weaknesses in your IT infrastructure, reducing the likelihood of exploitation.


Compliance and Regulation Adherence: We help clients navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity regulations and compliance requirements, ensuring they remain in full adherence and avoid costly penalties.


Employee Training and Awareness: CyberSecure provides cybersecurity training programs to educate employees about best practices, making them the first line of defense against threats like phishing and social engineering.


Data Backup and Recovery: We implement robust data backup and disaster recovery solutions to safeguard critical information and minimize downtime in case of data loss or system failures.


Customized Security Strategies: Every organization is unique, and we tailor our security strategies to meet the specific needs and risk profiles of our clients. This approach ensures a more effective and efficient security posture.


In summary, our key offerings are designed to not only react to security challenges but to proactively anticipate and prevent them. By partnering with CyberSecure, clients gain the peace of mind that comes with a holistic, 360-degree approach to managing and securing their IT infrastructure, allowing them to focus on their core business objectives with confidence."


Perimeter Chamber: "Penetration testing is a proactive approach to identifying vulnerabilities. What types of organizations benefit most from these services?"


David Richards, Founder of CyberSecure: "Penetration testing is indeed a proactive and invaluable method for identifying vulnerabilities within an organization's IT infrastructure. It's particularly beneficial for a wide range of organizations, but let's delve into the specifics of who benefits most:


Healthcare Facilities: In the healthcare sector, where patient data and sensitive medical records are paramount, penetration testing is critical. Organizations such as doctor's offices and hospitals can identify vulnerabilities that may compromise patient privacy or violate HIPAA regulations. By simulating real-world attack scenarios, we can uncover weak points and help them fortify their defenses.


Small Businesses: Contrary to what some might assume, small businesses are often prime targets for threat actors due to their perception of weaker defenses. Penetration testing helps these businesses understand how they might be vulnerable and provides cost-effective strategies to strengthen their security posture. Valuable information such as credit card data, customer information, and proprietary data are all at risk.


Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, and financial service providers deal with substantial amounts of financial data daily. Penetration testing ensures that their systems are fortified against cyber threats, protecting not only their clients' financial assets but also their reputation.


Government Agencies: Government entities at all levels need to safeguard sensitive information, from national security data to citizen records. Penetration testing is instrumental in identifying and closing potential security gaps that could lead to data breaches or cyberattacks.


E-commerce Platforms: Online retailers and e-commerce platforms process vast amounts of customer data, including payment information. Penetration testing helps secure these platforms against data theft, fraud, and other cyber threats that could erode customer trust.


Critical Infrastructure Providers: Organizations responsible for critical infrastructure, such as power plants, water treatment facilities, and transportation networks, are essential to society. Penetration testing ensures the reliability and safety of these systems by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities that could lead to physical harm or service disruptions.


Regardless of the industry, the goal of penetration testing is to expose potential weaknesses, from data breaches to unauthorized access, and to develop strategies to mitigate these risks. Additionally, it's important to emphasize that implementing security measures like two-factor authentication (2FA) and encryption, as mentioned, can further bolster an organization's defenses, and reduce the likelihood of successful cyberattacks. Ultimately, any organization that values the security of its data and operations can benefit significantly from penetration testing."


Perimeter Chamber: "Cybersecurity is a dynamic field with ever-evolving threats. How do organizations stay up to date with the latest threats and technologies to provide cutting-edge solutions to clients?"


David Richards, Founder of CyberSecure: "You're right; cybersecurity is akin to a continuous game of cat and mouse or even 'whack-a-mole.' Staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving landscape is paramount for organizations in our field. Here's how we ensure that we're always equipped with the latest insights and technologies to provide cutting-edge solutions to our clients:


First and foremost, it's crucial to have a cybersecurity team that thinks like an attacker. This mindset allows us to anticipate the tactics and strategies threat actors might employ. Rather than solely focusing on compliance, we approach cybersecurity from an adversarial perspective, constantly assessing our clients' risk posture.


Threat attackers operate at an astonishing pace, often remaining hidden until they strike. To stay ahead, we continuously monitor the threat landscape, leveraging threat intelligence and data analysis. This allows us to identify emerging threats and vulnerabilities before they become widespread issues.


Our team comprises seasoned experts who not only react to threats but can predict, anticipate, and devise strategies to thwart or slow down attackers. This proactive approach is what sets us apart. We're committed to ongoing training and skill development, ensuring that our team remains at the cutting edge of cybersecurity knowledge and techniques.


Furthermore, we maintain strong partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders, technology providers, and information-sharing organizations. These connections allow us to access the latest tools, technologies, and best practices, enhancing our ability to provide our clients with state-of-the-art solutions.


In essence, staying up to date in the dynamic field of cybersecurity requires a combination of proactive thinking, continuous education, real-world experience, and a network of trusted partners. By investing in these elements, CyberSecure remains well-prepared to confront the ever-evolving challenges that our clients may face in the realm of cybersecurity."


Perimeter Chamber: "Cybersecurity budgets can vary greatly among organizations. How does CyberSecure help clients balance their security needs with budget constraints?"


David Richards, Founder of CyberSecure: "Indeed, cybersecurity budgets can be quite diverse across different organizations, and we recognize the importance of helping our clients strike a balance between their security needs and budget constraints.


In many cases, we've seen organizations that have not prioritized their cybersecurity budgets until they experience the harsh realities of ransomware attacks or breaches. Unfortunately, allocating resources after such incidents can be a high price to pay, both in terms of financial costs and reputational damage.


At CyberSecure, we approach this challenge as a trusted partner rather than a mere vendor. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific business requirements and risk profiles. By building this understanding, we can tailor solutions that align with their needs and budget limitations.


One cost-effective approach is to ensure that the people responsible for managing your systems are consistently applying patches and keeping your systems up to date. These updates provide vital patches that make your environment more secure. Augmenting your IT team with a provider like CyberSecure can often be more cost-effective than hiring a dedicated person, and it ensures that critical updates and patches are consistently applied.


We also emphasize the importance of business-specific solutions. Every organization is unique, and the threats they face can vary significantly. By customizing our recommendations and security strategies, we help clients prioritize their investments in a way that addresses the most pressing risks first.


Our goal is to be more than just a cybersecurity provider; we want to be a partner who cares about the success and security of our clients. We will initially identify low-hanging fruit -- simple, cost-effective measures that can immediately bolster security, like patch management -- and work collaboratively to implement them.


Another cost-effective approach, for example, is centralizing logins and implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) across various systems. This relatively inexpensive solution significantly enhances security by adding an additional layer of protection to user accounts.


We also emphasize the importance of business-specific solutions. Every organization is unique, and the threats they face can vary significantly. By customizing our recommendations and security strategies, we help clients prioritize their investments in a way that addresses the most pressing risks first.


Ultimately, it's about finding a cybersecurity partner who understands your business and can provide solutions that not only protect your organization but also fit within your budget. By doing so, we enable our clients to enhance their cybersecurity posture without breaking the bank."


Perimeter Chamber: "What is your number one piece of cybersecurity advice for new businesses?"


David Richards, Founder of CyberSecure: "My number one piece of cybersecurity advice for new businesses is to make security a foundational element right from the start. Approach it with a 'security by design' mindset. Don't wait until you've established your operations to address security; instead, prioritize it as an investment from the ground up.


Security should not be seen as a retroactive measure or an afterthought. By integrating security into your business's DNA from day one, you establish a strong and resilient foundation. This proactive approach not only helps prevent potential breaches and threats but also saves you time, money, and reputational damage down the road.


Consider cybersecurity as essential as any other aspect of your business plan. Just as you wouldn't build a house without a solid foundation, don't build your business without a secure digital foundation. It's a strategic investment that will pay dividends in the long run, ensuring the safety of your data, your operations, and your customers' trust."


In closing, at CyberSecure, our commitment to cybersecurity goes beyond being a service provider. We aspire to be your trusted partner, working with you at all levels of your organization. We help you develop a security-first mentality into your company's DNA, we're here to safeguard your digital assets and help your business thrive in today's evolving threat landscape.




For more information visit CyberSecure 


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